Hospitality for Lewis & Clark in the President’s House

Washington, D.C.

When Lewis arrived in Washington he moved into the President’s House. Where the other members of his party stayed is unknown. The de-briefing and reporting phase of the expedition started immediately. Journals, maps, and material collected in the West were examined with great interest by the President.(1)

New Years 1807, President Jefferson open the doors of the Presidents House and welcomed Cabinet Members and Foreign Diplomats. As special guest, on 30 December 1807, President Jefferson gave the following welcome to Shesheke-shote, (Big White): 

“My Children, The Wolf and People of the Mandan Nation: I take you by the hand of friendship and give you a hearty welcome to the seat of the government of the United States. The journey which you have taken to visit your fathers on this side of our island is a long one, and your having undertaken it is proof that you desire to become acquainted with us. I thank the Great Spirit that he has protected you through the journey and brought you safely to the residence of your friends, and hope He will have you constantly in his safe keeping, and restore you in good health to your nations and families.” ……… ”My children, it may happen that while you are here occasion may arise to talk about many things which I do not now particularly mention. The Secretary at War will always be ready to talk with you, and you are to consider whatever he says as said by myself. He will also take care of you and see that you are furnished with all comforts here.” (2)

Lewis had completed another point President Jefferson had made in his instructions to Lewis on 20 June 1803, “If a few of their influential chiefs, within practicable distance, wish to visit us arrange such a visit with them……”.(3)

Clark arrived in Washington on 18 January 1807, after the postponed Presidential Dinner for the explorers. The Washington officials and social elite were interested in “rubbing shoulders” with Lewis and Clark. Showing true leadership, Lewis and Clark went about the business of providing the necessary reports and evaluations of their men so Congress could provide compensation. (4) The captains followed the Army creed of -Mission, Men, Self.

In the Summer of 1818, Thomas Jefferson traveled to Falling Springs, present day Bath Co. VA. The trip is believed to be the most westward location Jefferson ever visited. “Taking the baths” in the many hot springs in the region was a treatment for many maladies. Did Jefferson remember the debriefing stories told by Lewis and Clark about healing of the Indian Chief and William Bratton in 1806? (5)(6)

Thomas Jefferson's Trip from Monticello to Warm Springs (5)
Autograph of Thomas Jefferson (6)


(1) Ambrose, Stephen, Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West, Simon & Schuster, NY, 1996, page 419.

(2) Peterson, Merrill D., Thomas Jefferson Writings, The Library of America, New York, 1984, Page 564-566.  (Note: full message available in Writings.)

(3) Jackson, Donald, Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Second printing, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1978, Vol 2, page 63.

(4) Ibid, page 364.

(5) Personal Letter from, Dr. McKenzie White Wallenborn, Thomas Jefferson Trip from Monticello to Warm Springs, (VA) July 30 to August 31, 1818.

(6) Jefferson, Thomas, Autograph of Thomas Jefferson, Caste de Voyage for his Journey to and from the Warm Springs starting from Stanton. Travel and Distance.

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